Sapient Alien Descriptions

When I read a book I will put the description of the alien here. The format goes like this: The title of the book, then the name of the species. Below that, a short description written in my own words. Then, if you click on the "See Text" thing, you'll see direct quotes from the work itself describing the appearance of the alien.

Ringworld (Larry Niven)

The cover of Ringworld. It depicts a blue sky with swirling clouds and a dotted line far in the distance. The horizon is water with speckles of islands across it, with a pyramid in the far far distance. It say's LARRY NIVEN, RINGWORLD. Along the top is a contrasting red band with the text: The Huge and Nebula Award-winning novel... The gripping story of a ring-shaped world around a distant sun.

Pierson's Puppeteer

Three-legged and two-headed herbivores.

See Text Page 3
Facing him from the middle of the room was something neither human nor humanoid. It stood on three legs, and it regarded Louis Wu from two directions, from two flat heads mounted on flexible, slender necks. Over most of its startling frame, the skin was white and glove-soft; but a thick, coarse brown mane ran from between the beast's necks, back along its spine, to cover the complex-looking hip joint of the hind leg. The two fore- legs were set wide apart, so that the beast's small, clawed hooves formed almost an equilateral triangle.

Louis guessed that the thing was an alien animal. In those flat heads there would be no room for brains. But he noticed the hump that rose between the bases of the necks, where the mane became a thick protective mop and a memory floated up from eighteen decades behind him.

This was a puppeteer, a Pierson's puppeteer. Its brain and skull were under the hump. It was not an animal; it was at least as intelligent as a man. And its eyes, one to a head in deep bone sockets, stared fixedly at Louis Wu from two directions.


Bipedal buff orange cat furries

See Text Page 11
Rich orange fur, with black markings over the eyes, covered what might have been a very fat tabby cat eight feet tall. The fat was muscle, smooth and powerful and oddly arranged over an equally odd skeleton. On hands like black leather gloves, sharpened and polished claws slid out of their sheaths.
Page 20
His tail, naked and pink and ratlike, lashed in turmoil.
Page 25
The odd Kzinti ears, that could expand like pink Chinese parasols or fold flat against the head, were spread wide; and Louis could see the design tatooed on each surface.

Fire Time (Poul Anderson)

A copy of Fire Time on a white bed. The cover depicts the dark shape of a lion-centaur blowing into a golden horn, the backdrop being a galaxy with various planets around it.


Liontaurs with only a humanoid top half, who grow plants on their backs.

See Text Pages 32-33
A male and female were shown, plus a human who gave scale. The male was the larger of the pair, about the size of a small horse. "Centauroid" was a very loose description. The burly two-armed torso merged smoothly with the four-legged barrel, taurine hump above the forequarters leading from the horizontal to the almost vertical sections of the back. The body looked leonine rather than equine, with its robust build, long tail, padded feet whose three toes (more prehensile in front than behind) bore purplish nails. The arms resembled, somewhat, those of a Terrestrial weight lifter; but the hands each had four digits, the first three not unlike man's thumb and two of his fingers though spreading more widely, the last like a less-developed extra thumb with one more joint, all possessing nails too. The head was big and round, ears large and pointed (slightly movable), jaw showing a chin and near-anthropomorphous delicacy, teeth white and small except for a pair of upper fangs which barely protruded from the mouth. Instead of a nose, a short muzzle opened in a single broad nostril which curved downward and flared at the ends. Beneath, feline whiskers surrounded the upper lip. The eyes also suggested a cat's, whiteless, his blue, hers golden.

Face and arms were glabrous, the skin (in the race epicted, native to Beronnen) light brown. Most of the body bore a tawny-green mosslike pelt. The lion impression was heightened by a rufous mane which covered head, throat, and spine down to the hump: composed not of hair but of thickly leaved vines. A familiar growth formed a shelf of eyebrow.

Sexual dimorphism was considerable. The female stood fifteen centimeters shorter. She had a mere stub of tail. Her hump was large and softly rounded, unlike his blocky cluster of muscles; her rump was broad and her belly deep; two nipples on an udder which wasn't large, and the external genitalia, were brilliant red. Accompanying text noted that her odor was sweet and his acrid, and that she commanded a wider range of frequencies in both speech and hearing.

They were unclad aside from ornaments and a belt to support pouch and knife. He carried a spear and a stringed instrument slung across his shoulders; she, a longbow, quiver, and what might be a wooden flute.