Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964)

Originally reviewed on 8/26/23.

Poster showing Mothra flying as Godzilla leans up and blows atomic breath at her.

Some anti-capitalist commentary, nothing scathing but "rich people stupid" is indeed a real and true statement. Human plot was forgettable. The human violence was memorable. I liked the rookie photography lady. I, too, have left the flash on during bright days because I forgot it was on in the first place.

But oh boy, more people native to random islands that keep running around shirtless and in feather headdresses. Were some of those people... Painted red?

I remember people being confused about Godzilla rising from the dirt in this, but they did just state that there used to be water where he was, so, I don't know what the issue is.

Big G is still evil in this, and he looks the part too. Quite menacing despite the huge eyes and floppy jowls. It was a good call saying Mothra was so old she was near death in this, the puppet is a bit fucked up looking. She definitely looks like a 20 year old cat.

It's easy to tell that a flying monster battle was still a bit high concept for the technology of the time, but they still did their best and managed it well. Still looked better than the Kong vs Godzilla fight.
