And Tango Makes Three

Originally reviewed on February 27, 2024.

Part of my Banned Books reading goal.

The cover of And Tango Makes Three a children's book with watercolor-like drawings of two adult penguins and a baby penguin.

A completely inoffensive children's picture book about two male penguins who raise a chick, based on the true story of the time two male penguins raised a chick.

There is no encouragement to imitate nature and become gay as conservatives claim, this is instead a simple introduction to the concept of homosexuality. The message is this: "boy penguins and girl pengions meet and become couples, but this time two boy penguins became a couple and they raised an egg together, hooray for them and hooray for their hatchling!"

There is no detail given on why boy and girl penguins make eggs but two boy penguins can't, nor any further detail on the relationship between any of the penguin couples beyond that they spend time together and cuddle.

The illustrations are cute and the nonfiction simplicity may interest children who like learning real animal facts.
